Obesity or being overweight is associated with numerous physical diseases as well as emotional distress. It can cause high blood pressure, stroke, gallbladder diseases, diabetes, and even osteoporosis.

At Optimum Rejuvenation, our HCG weight loss program is truly revolutionary. This is a results-driven approach to lose weight, and maintain it! Along with HCG injections, we provide health coaching and lifestyle guidance so you receive the help you need to stay on track.

What is HCG?

HCG, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a naturally occurring hormone that is produced during pregnancy. Its purpose is to trigger the development of the uterus lining and support the embryo. That said, medical research has also found that it causes a reduction in appetite, and muscle is more resistant to losing mass.

HCG and Weight Loss

The HCG diet was first described by Dr. Simeons dating back to the 1954. He discovered  that this hormone could accelerate fat mobilization from certain areas of the body

if combined with a Very Low-Calorie Diet (VLCD). This can result in rapid and dramatic weight loss, up to a pound a day. HCG works in the following unique physiological ways to help achieve your goal of desired body weight.

Appetite Suppression

Dieting plans often result in a heightened feeling of hunger and urge you to binge eat, which ultimately makes it harder to stick to them. HCG works to suppress appetite so you can successfully limit your calorie intake, without the desire to eat more.

Rapid Fat Loss

Dr. Simeons describes three types of fat (structural fat, normal fat reserve, and abnormal fat reserve). Our structural fat is the fat necessary to maintain our body structure. Our normal fat reserve is the fat we use for energy when needed or on a daily basis. Abnormal fat reserve is fat that gets deposited in areas of our body when the  body attempts to save fat after being exposed to excessive quantities of fat. This stored fat is not readily available to be used for energy. Our bodies attempt to  utilize energy from normal fat reserves or extract protein from our muscles before  accessing the abnormal fat reserves.  HCG utilizes the body’s stored fat to supply much-needed calories in time of food shortage (ie a strict diet), without feeling excessive hunger. Its potential can be utilized to bring about rapid and permanent weight loss.

HCG Targets Fat, Not Muscles

HCG promotes weight loss by increasing metabolism and preventing muscle loss. Other weight loss plans or crash diets often result in a high amount of muscular loss. Because muscle is important for metabolism, losing muscle makes it harder to maintain a lower weight, may result in quick regain of the lost weight, and may potentially result in the gaining of more weight.

HCG Acts Like Pro Hormone

Hormonal deficiency can be a common cause of weight gain. Because HCG is a pro-hormone, it helps promote the body to make more hormones, which can correct a deficiency or imbalance. Whether your weight gain is caused by your thyroid, menopause, andropause, etc., HCG can help.

Optimum Rejuvenation Can Help!

We help our patients adopt healthy habits that support an active lifestyle and long-term weight loss success! Our proven results show that it really works! Give us a call to start your weight loss journey today.

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