Have you tried countless diets in the past and can’t find anything that works for you? At Optimum Rejuvenation, we have a variety of science-based, medically supervised weight loss programs to help you reach your goals.

Being overweight may be the result of behavior, environment, genetics, metabolic derangement, physiologic, or psychological factors. Excess weight increases your risk of multiple diseases or conditions such as dyslipidemia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, sleep apnea, cancer, poor mental health, body pain, and/or poor physical functioning.

Carrying excess weight is a complex, multi-factorial problem and it is important to have a good understanding of the different treatment options, have realistic expectations, set a reasonable goal, and have the motivation to succeed. Our goal is to guide you along your journey so that you have the confidence and support you need to reach your goals.

At Optimum Rejuvenation, we have a variety of programs that can assist you in finding the cause of the weight gain and help you keep it off for good.

We offer detoxification programs, controlled and non-controlled substance appetite suppressants, hormone optimization, lipotropic injections, red light therapy, microvascular circulation therapy, muscle stimulation, lifestyle change programs, as well a medically supervised protocol HCG.

Ready to start your weight loss journey? Learn more here.

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Optimum Rejuvenation
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